Class Evaluation
What I like about this class is that we learn how to be a better person and understand why it is important. I like how we do post about new ways to become a better person. I also like that we learn how to code and use scratch.
What I don't like about this class is that it is to quite. Also, we do not write in our exploring computer science journal as much as our life planning goals journal. We do not learn about the parts of a computer and I believe that we should.
I recommend you to show us about computers first, then help us by making us understand that it is important to be a good person. I would love to learn about computers more and be able to know how to work them.
A highlight in this class is for me is that I like that you try your best to make us a better person. I feel that someone who is having trouble in their life or is choosing the left should come talk to you.
I did do my best in this class because I need all my credits in order to graduate. If a get lazy and not do my work I would fail the class and that would be a problem. I would try my best by coming to class, paying attention and bringing my life planning goals journal.
I am reading and writing in my life planning goals journal because I feel comfortable writing down my goods and also writing down how my days are going. Once I write down in my journal my moods change and I think about what is better for me to do and choosing what is right.
I am committed to become a CTR person because I believe that it is a good choose to do. It can help me go though a good path in my life.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger." Being proactive is a way to take responsibility for your life. Proactive people focus on their time and energy on things they can control. Such as the problems, challenges, and opportunities we face. Also a proactive person uses proactive language for example, I can, I will, I prefer, etc.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger." Being proactive is a way to take responsibility for your life. Proactive people focus on their time and energy on things they can control. Such as the problems, challenges, and opportunities we face. Also a proactive person uses proactive language for example, I can, I will, I prefer, etc.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

"Control your own destiny or someone else will." It is about connecting to your own uniqueness. To apply habit 2 into your life you can start a goal or personal mission statement in order to develop your plan. While you are doing your plan make sure you think about the positive and negative consequences of your actions before you act, make sure you are prepared at all times, think about the way your choices will help or affect your future.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities." First things first is the exercise of independent will to create a life congruent with your values, goals and mission. The fourth human endowment, Independent Will, is the ability to make decisions and choices and act upon them. Integrity is our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves. Management involves developing the specific application of the ideas. We should lead from the right brain creatively and manage from the left brain analytically. Time management is an essential skill for personal management. The essence of time management is to organize and execute around priorities. Methods of time management have developed in these stages: notes and checklists recognizing multiple demands on our time; calendars and appointment books scheduling events and activities; prioritizing, clarifying values integrating our daily planning with goal setting. I plan to add this habit into my life by prioritizing important stuff that needs to be done, and not stuff that is for my own entertainment.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win

"Think win-win or no deal." Positive thoughts will help you be successful in life and it will let you know that you are going to achieve all those goals you have set for yourself. If everyone you know is giving you a hard time then ignore them. Don't let their negative comments affect your way of living and succeeding. Just always keep in mind that you can do it or you are going to make it. That will help you stay confident with your school work by just repeating to yourself those words. In the end you will only have yourself and your happiness. You are the only one that knows what you want to do and how you are going to achieve that.
Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."If you are the one playing mechanic when someone brings a problem to you; the only really good way to insure that they will trust you and what you prescribe as a solution for them to work with is through your practice of empathetic listening. We should also be empathetic listeners and putting ourselves in others people's shoes before judging the situation.
Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities." First things first is the exercise of independent will to create a life congruent with your values, goals and mission. The fourth human endowment, Independent Will, is the ability to make decisions and choices and act upon them. Integrity is our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves. Management involves developing the specific application of the ideas. We should lead from the right brain creatively and manage from the left brain analytically. Time management is an essential skill for personal management. The essence of time management is to organize and execute around priorities. Methods of time management have developed in these stages: notes and checklists recognizing multiple demands on our time; calendars and appointment books scheduling events and activities; prioritizing, clarifying values integrating our daily planning with goal setting. I plan to add this habit into my life by prioritizing important stuff that needs to be done, and not stuff that is for my own entertainment.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win

"Think win-win or no deal." Positive thoughts will help you be successful in life and it will let you know that you are going to achieve all those goals you have set for yourself. If everyone you know is giving you a hard time then ignore them. Don't let their negative comments affect your way of living and succeeding. Just always keep in mind that you can do it or you are going to make it. That will help you stay confident with your school work by just repeating to yourself those words. In the end you will only have yourself and your happiness. You are the only one that knows what you want to do and how you are going to achieve that.

"Diagnose before you prescribe."If you are the one playing mechanic when someone brings a problem to you; the only really good way to insure that they will trust you and what you prescribe as a solution for them to work with is through your practice of empathetic listening. We should also be empathetic listeners and putting ourselves in others people's shoes before judging the situation.
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Monday, October 30, 2017
.Importance of Setting Goals.
It is important to set up a goal because that way you have in your mind what you want to do. Goal setting isn't just about creating a plan for your life nor holding yourself accountable, it is to give us the inspiration necessary to aim for things that we never thought possible. Goals also tell you way you really are and what you actually want to do while the time passes.
It is important to set up a goal because that way you have in your mind what you want to do. Goal setting isn't just about creating a plan for your life nor holding yourself accountable, it is to give us the inspiration necessary to aim for things that we never thought possible. Goals also tell you way you really are and what you actually want to do while the time passes.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
1.Stanford is located 291 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305
2.Stanford requirements: MCAT, a degree prior to applying
3.Tuition: will be an estimate 50,000 dollars
4.Degree: Mostly medical related
5.Specialized: in getting PhD's in the medical field
6.Stanford is one of the school I want to attend to because I want to be a psychologist.I can go to Stanford University to the department of Psychology. The reasons I want to be a psychologist is because I like to communicate with other people and try to help them out in any problem they have.
6.Stanford is one of the school I want to attend to because I want to be a psychologist.I can go to Stanford University to the department of Psychology. The reasons I want to be a psychologist is because I like to communicate with other people and try to help them out in any problem they have.
Friday, October 20, 2017
.Student Led Conference.
Yesterday, October 19 was the day were I had to show my mom how I am doing in school. My meeting with my mom was at 5:00 to 5:15 pm but, there was a problem we came in late because there was no parking. We were going in circles looking for parking almost like an hour.Once we found parking me and my mom ran to school because we were late already. When we got in the classroom I started explaining to her all of my grades. I feel happy that I am making progress. My grades are going every time more higher. My mom was proud of me.
Yesterday, October 19 was the day were I had to show my mom how I am doing in school. My meeting with my mom was at 5:00 to 5:15 pm but, there was a problem we came in late because there was no parking. We were going in circles looking for parking almost like an hour.Once we found parking me and my mom ran to school because we were late already. When we got in the classroom I started explaining to her all of my grades. I feel happy that I am making progress. My grades are going every time more higher. My mom was proud of me.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
.Health Care Careers.
- Diagnostic Radiographer: Medical imaging
- Radiation Therapist: Radiation given to patients in controlled amounts
- Physiotherapist: Helps the patients recover from their injury
- Speech Therapist: Help people who have speech issues
- Occupational Therapist: Teach skills the patients need daily
- Dietitian: Feed proper food to patients
All health care professionals have in common is they all help people get better. They all want their patients to have a better well shaped future.
- Diagnostic Radiographer: Medical imaging
- Radiation Therapist: Radiation given to patients in controlled amounts
- Physiotherapist: Helps the patients recover from their injury
- Speech Therapist: Help people who have speech issues
- Occupational Therapist: Teach skills the patients need daily
- Dietitian: Feed proper food to patients
All health care professionals have in common is they all help people get better. They all want their patients to have a better well shaped future.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
John R. Noe
1. Make No Small Plans: Plan BIG -
Planning BIG to me is planning ahead of time so that your
plans will be carried out smoothly. I will apply this new
attitude by not limiting myself to having small plans. In
order to be successful in life, we need to show that we
want success. We can do this by planning big, and taking
those actions.
2. High Achievers Do What They Fear -
What this attitude means to me is that you should do what others think you cannot do or are not capable of doing. Too often we let fear paralyze us and make us completely still.
3. High Achievers Are Willing To Prepare -
High achievers understand the need for an organizational plan to prepare each and every day to execute on their vision. High achievement is a process rather than an event. Every big event is a result of little events that were carefully planned along the way. Once you reach your highest goal, you can talk and write about it, savor it as a memory. In the daily experience of preparation, you are a step closer to being a high achiever.
4. High Achievers are willing to risk failure-
If you are not willing to take a risk for the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. A person who wishes success has to view failure as a healthy inevitable part of their journey. Failure is not the enemy of success. Everyone fails at least once in their lifetimes, and probably many more times. Just because you fail at something doesn't mean you lost forever.
5. High Achievers are teachable -
Being a teachable person means either you are being taught something, or you are teaching others. High achievers like to learn things raw, no shortcuts or anything of that sort. High achievers continuously pursue new knowledge
anywhere and everywhere, as well as new insights.
6. High Achievers have heart -
Having heart when you are a high achiever is important because you need some emotion at some point in order to make righteous decisions. The best rewards in life come to those with a heart to persist and the courage to stay away from the pessimistic crowd. Some people are satisfied with "just getting by" or barely reaching a goal, but a determined heart is the heart of a champion. High achievers have a purpose, and have the heart to pursue it when everyone else quits.
John R. Noe
1. Make No Small Plans: Plan BIG -
Planning BIG to me is planning ahead of time so that your
plans will be carried out smoothly. I will apply this new
attitude by not limiting myself to having small plans. In
order to be successful in life, we need to show that we
want success. We can do this by planning big, and taking
those actions.
2. High Achievers Do What They Fear -
What this attitude means to me is that you should do what others think you cannot do or are not capable of doing. Too often we let fear paralyze us and make us completely still.
High achievers understand the need for an organizational plan to prepare each and every day to execute on their vision. High achievement is a process rather than an event. Every big event is a result of little events that were carefully planned along the way. Once you reach your highest goal, you can talk and write about it, savor it as a memory. In the daily experience of preparation, you are a step closer to being a high achiever.
4. High Achievers are willing to risk failure-
5. High Achievers are teachable -
Being a teachable person means either you are being taught something, or you are teaching others. High achievers like to learn things raw, no shortcuts or anything of that sort. High achievers continuously pursue new knowledge
anywhere and everywhere, as well as new insights.
6. High Achievers have heart -

Friday, September 15, 2017
Medical Schools
1. University of Nevada School of Medicine (Reno,NV)
2. Students are required to take a minimum number of science courses prior to applying to medical school. Baccalaureate Degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning in the United States. (Currently, foreign degrees, including equivalency evaluations, do not satisfy the academic prerequisites). Qualifying GPA- 2.75 or better
3. Tuitions
For only 25 months PA Program:
Residents Non-Residents
$87,265 | $87,265 |
Monday, September 11, 2017
9/11 Attacks
In September 11, 2001 two airplanes were flown to the twin towers in New York and there was a third plane that was flown in the Pentagon just outside of Washington D.C. Many people got killed almost 3,000 people. I feel really heartbroken because it was such an evil thing to do, so many innocent people had to go through that horrifying moment.Tuesday, August 22, 2017
9 Ways
2. Be Smart
You can be smart in many ways. You can be smart in anything like smart
3. Be Involved
Be involved is being part of something. For example being involved in a sports team, being involved in a relationship, or helping the community, it is an adjective of many different uses. I will apply to be involved by signing in to an art class after school because I want to be prepared for college.
4. Be Clean
To be clean is used in many different ways. I am can be clean by having my room organized, showering everyday, wearing clean clothing, brushing my teeth. A quote I found about being clean is "Its hard to be funny when you have to be clean."
5. Be True
6. Be Positive
7. Be Humble
Being humble is one of the most important parts of Choosing the Right.I will apply this new way to myself by always appreciating what I have and not showing it off to others. No-one likes someone who boasts because they can make a person feel bad. This is why I pledge to be humble 24/7 and also be a CTR person.
8. Be Still
9. Be Prayerful
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Class Evaluation The things I like about this class is that Mr. Haymore teaches us how to Choose The Right, ...
. Importance of Setting Goals . It is important to set up a goal because that way you have in your mind what you want to do...
Las Vegas Mass Murdering I was so shocked hearing about what had happened in Las Vegas on Sunday October 1, ...